How does having COVID-19 affect how students do in school?


How does having Covid-19 impact a student

All students are struggling with COVID-19 keeping them in online school, but what is it like for those students who have had COVID-19?

Analiese Felker, a college student who goes to the University of Arizona, and her roommates contracted COVID-19 and were stuck in quarantine for two weeks while doing school online. Felker was one of the lucky few who contracted COVID-19 with no symptoms, so her school quarantine experience was different than most. 

Right now, school at the University of Arizona is all online with students doing classes at their dorms, apartments or anywhere they are able to get a WiFi connection. Although schools all over the world are doing their best in this disrupting pandemic, it is hard to have a normal school life when you are sitting in your room staring at a screen. 

Since Felker didn’t have any symptoms and felt perfectly fine while having COVID-19, she explained that it was actually easier for her to do her school work because she was stuck in her apartment.

“Honestly, I think it’s made it better,” Felker said. “Because I’m not distracted. We would just sit in our rooms when we had Corona and do our schoolwork because there was nothing else to do.” 

Having COVID-19 took away distractions of hanging out with friends and other fun activities that she would usually take part in. 

Although not all of her roommates were lucky enough to be asymptomatic.

“My roommate who actually did have symptoms, she wouldn’t go to online classes a lot because she was super sick and couldn’t move so she missed a lot of her classes,” Felker said. 

All of us are struggling with boredom and being lonely these days, not being able to just walk over to a friend’s house and hang out. But when stuck in real, locked-down quarantine, human connection is one of the main things you cannot experience. It is also a lot harder to get help on tough school assignments.  Felker encourages doing online hangout meets like study groups to keep connected and get help with schoolwork. 

“I would definitely start doing study groups on Zoom because there are definitely other people who are having a hard time learning online, too,” Felker said. 

All of us students are having trouble with school during this pandemic, so it’s always important to hear voices of other people who are having different experiences.