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Thursday, March 27, 2025

The Newspaper of McDaniel High School

The Oracle

The Newspaper of McDaniel High School

The Oracle

The Newspaper of McDaniel High School

The Oracle


The newspaper has been published since the school opened in 1957 and is currently over 66 years in print. The staff has included 2013 Rose Festival Princess Hannah Rice; former student, previous adviser and ex-health teacher Suzy Setterholm; and AP English teacher Gene Brunak, who advised The Oracle from 2004-2020.

The Oracle has been an open forum for students, staff and community members since its inception, and the publication has empowered youth to exercise their freedom of press through stories ranging from community health concerns to the mixed affects of athletics culture on student well-being.

Opportunities to participate:

Read the newspaper in class:

Teachers can use the publication for independent reading, brainstorming and creating community discourse. They may request print papers to be delivered or may access the publication through The Oracle‘s website.

Write Letters to the Editor:

We are a public forum, which means that students, staff and community members are able to submit responses to items that we publish in the form of a Letter to the Editor. Our submission criteria is available here

Craft Guest Contributions:

We are looking to build a space where students, staff and community members can also help contribute to the journalistic storytelling in our community. We will accept submissions to go through our editorial process that would lead to publishing. This can include story ideas, fully drafted pieces or visual art. Our submission criteria is available here

Contacting the editors:

Send questions, comments, concerns, compliments or advertising requests to the following email:


Jackson Mailey, Online Editor-In-Chief

Sebastian Gracie-Fultz, Print Editor-In-Chief

Sarabeth Leitch, Adviser