Ep 3 “Tragedy” with Mae Lumb
In this episode, Mae Lumb and Evangeline Johnson discuss the broad strokes of “High Noon Over Camelot” and the entity of “Through the Flash”.
“Through the Flash” was released in 2018 in Nana Kwame Adjei-Brenyah’s short story collection, “Friday Black. ”
You can purchase the book here.
You can learn more about the author here.
“High Noon Over Camelot” was released in 2014 by the band “The Mechanisms”.
You can learn more about The Mechanisms here.
Ep. 2 “Compassion” With Thurstan Miner and Val Glen pt 2
In this episode, Thurstan Miner, Val Glen, and Evangeline Johnson discuss the first session of “Midnight Burger”.
“Midnight Burger” was released in 2020 and is ongoing. It was created by Joe Fisher and Finlay Stevenson. It stars Joe Fisher, Finlay Stevenson, and Neal Starbird.
You can listen to the full series through their website here.
For more information on the cast and crew, check here.
Ep. 2 “Compassion” With Thurstan Miner pt 1
In this episode, Thurstan Miner and Evangeline Johnson discussed the entirety of “Kid Cosmic”.
“Kid Cosmic” was released from 2021 to 2022. It was created by Craig McCracken, Lauren Faust, and Francisco Angonens. It Stars Bennett Abara, Lily Rose Silver, and Keith Ferguson.
You can watch the full series on Netflix here.
For more information on the cast and crew, check here.
(Editor’s note: The first two episodes of Media Little League are roughly half and double the length of an ideal episode. We are generally going for a 25-30 minute runtime. In the future episode length will be more consistent.)
Ep. 1 “Nostalgia” With Chaos Williams
In this episode, Chaos Williams and Evangeline Johnson discussed small amounts of the plot and structure of “Best Freinds Whenever” and “Hello From The Hallowoods.”
“Best Friends Whenever” was released from 2015 to 2016. It was created by Jed Elinoff And Scott Tomas. It stars Lauren Taylor, Landry Bender, Gus Kamp, Ricky Garcia, Benjamin Cole Royer, and Matthew Lewis Royer.
You can watch the full series with Disney Plus here.
For more information on the cast and crew, check here.
“Hello From The Hallowoods” started publication in 2020 and is currently ongoing. William A. Wellman is the sole creator of the podcast, acting as its writer, narrator, and producer.
You can listen to the show on Spotify, YouTube, Apple Podcasts, Podbean, and Google Podcasts. For more information, check out their website here.