Every year, a new set of representatives is elected within the school. These include class presidents, a health commissioner, a spirit commissioner, and others. A relatively new position that has taken shape in the past few years is the newcomer representative.
This year, the newcomer representative elected is Norma Gutierrez Morales, who goes by Lily. Her role is to include and incorporate newcomer and English Language Development (ELD) students into the school’s dynamics.
“My role is basically helping students who came here from a different culture and students who are part of the ELD class,” Morales said. “I help them with translation, and sometimes I help with the assemblies speaking in Spanish. And I visit some classes, and I have specific things I am working on now.”
In her role, she works closely with the Portland International Scholars Academy (PISA) program. This program is within the school and works with students who are new to the U.S. and who are working on language proficiency.
“They have their own vice principal, and they have a lot of their own sheltered classes, but as they move through the program and grow more proficiency in English, they’re mainstreamed a lot more into the community,” leadership adviser Natalie Gardner said.
She also talked about how PISA operates inside the school.
“It feels much like two separate communities within McDaniel. I don’t think a lot of people know about PISA,” she added.
Morales also talked about her connection to the role. When she first came to the school, she was new to the culture and did not speak any English. Throughout her years here, she has learned to speak the language better and wants to encourage and help other newcomer students.
“Each class has their reps, and I feel like the newcomers need a voice,” Morales said.
Morales thinks it is important for the newcomers to have someone who understands them and can lead with them in mind.
“It is good to be there and make things that can help the students who are trying to learn English,” she mentioned.
Her connection to the role also stems from the growth she has experienced here.
“One thing that I love about myself is being a leader, and this helped me to improve my leadership,” Morales said. “I want to improve more because I feel more connected being a leader.”
Morales spoke about the goals she would like to accomplish as the newcomer rep. She aims to create a connection and community within the newcomer students.
“That was my big goal was to help other students make community and make them feel part of this school,” Morales said.
A lot of her motivation comes from her personal experience.
“When I came here, I was a person who was so shy, a person who just had two or one friends, and now I have a small community and I am so proud of that,” Morales said.
Alternative district representative Huy Voqui, whose role is to have a voice at district meetings, talked about the impact Morales has had in the new position.
“From my perspective outside, I see that the newcomers see Lily as a friendly face, which is always what you want to see as a representative,” Voqui said. “The goals that Lily has to include the newcomers really enhances the school spirit.”
The new role has sparked lots of opportunity for community building, especially in the ELD program. Inclusion of languages other than English is being seen in announcements, around the halls, and at assemblies.
Morales continues to make impactful changes in her position and connects newcomer students to new opportunities.