Tutoring helps students get work done, so there is an after school program here through SUN that students can go to for support with school work–or just have a quiet place to work. You can also be a tutor to help you learn more about how other peers learn.
It begins at 3:30 and ends at 5:30, Monday through Thursday. The tutoring program, run by coordinator Dylan Davies, tutors any student in need. All you have to do is come after school and sign your name for attendance. Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday they are in the library. However on Tuesdays, they are by the community partner room.
Davies has been a part of the program for two years and plans to be the coordinator until the end of this year when he will get another job.
Davies is a student teacher here with social studies teacher Elizabeth Thiel. While working in the after school program, Davies met many students, even if only seeing them only one time. The program helped him to get more experience with students before going straight into teaching. He enjoys seeing people figure out problems together and finds it to be a nice experience.
“I enjoy the environment of people bring in all their different homework and working with a lot of people they don’t know,” Davies said.
In the SUN tutoring program, there are students that are tutors, who volunteer their time in the library to help with many things like packets, answering questions, and helping out in any way.
Senior Ramses Jaimes Monreno has been tutoring since his junior year. Tutoring helped Monreno by teaching him how people have different ways of learning–and to give them time and patience. He says more about how attending tutoring can help you understand and help grades get better. On the other hand, Monreno states that tutoring is still challenging since you have to accommodate people while teaching, but it’s interesting and looks good on a resume.
“It taught me interesting values about patience and also understanding how people work,” Ramses said.
The program isn’t all just for tutoring. You can go there if you need quiet space to work. Sometimes it is hard for some people to get tutored if the class is more advanced than others. The program always tries to have an English and math tutor everyday.
SUN Manager Jack Tangel helps out in the tutoring by assisting out Davies with some things, such as texting student tutor for setting schedules and finding students that can help another student like with school work. According to Tangel, students can connect during the time of tutoring and have a better understanding of each other than an adult could.
“[It’s] a great free resource to take advantage of after school,” Tangel said.
Tutoring isn’t all about going after school just to get help but also can be a time where you can work and have a time to do some school work and get some provided help.